Wednesday, June 2, 2010

iRiver Launches S100 Creative Panorama PMP

iRiver S100 Creative Panorama PMP

iRiver launches in Korea the new & latest S100 Creative Panorama portable media player that comes in six colors, green, blue, yellow, pink, white & black. Available in 4GB or 8GB storage capacities, the S100 features a 2.8-inch LCD display including 240×320 resolution, built-in FM tuner, T-DMBa tuner & microSD/SDHC card slot.

The newest iRiver S100 supports MP3, WAV, WMA, FLAC, OGG, ASF, APE audio, MPEG1/2, MPEG4 SP/ASP, WMV 7/8/9, H.264 videos including up to 720×480 resolution & JPEG, PNG, BMP,GIF image files.


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