Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Panasonic Introduces LUMIX DMC-FX75 Camera with AVCHD Lite Support

Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX75 Camera with AVCHD Lite Support
Panasonic introduces a new & latest digital camera that supports the AVCHD Lite format, the slim & stylish LUMIX DMC-FX75. The newest FX75 sports a 14.1 Megapixel image sensor, the Venus Engine HD II image processor & a 24mm ultra-wide-angle F2.2 bright LEICA DC VARIO-SUMMICRON lens with 5x optical zoom. It can record HD video (probably 720p) in AVCHD Lite format.
Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX75 Camera with AVCHD Lite Support back
Panasonic’s DMC-FX75 features full touchscreen operation allowing Auto Focus (AF) to promptly be set to the subject by simply touching the 3-inch LCD display. Like other LUMIX cameras, the FX75 boasts Panasonic’s iA (Intelligent Auto) mode which includes Face Detection, Power ISO, Face Recognition..etc & comes with the newest Motion Deblur mode. Intelligent Zoom is also included to extend zoom range to 6.5x.


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