Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mitsubishi Launches LaserVue L75-A91 Laser HDTV

Mitsubishi LaserVue L75-A91 Laser HDTV angle

Below the 65-inch L65, Mitsubishi launches its new & LaserVue L75-A91 75-inch laser HDTV that is 3D-Ready. As per Mitsubishi, the newest LaserVue HDTV is capable to deliver up to two times the colors of many of todays’ flat panel TVs. The L75-A91 features 1920×1080 Full HD resolution, the Plush1080p 5G 12-Bit video processing that converts lower-resolution signals to 1080p, Changeable Smooth 120 Film Motion & included HDTV tuner.

Mitsubishi LaserVue L75-A91 Laser HDTV Front

Also included are the 6-Color Processor, DeepField imager, EdgeEnhance technology, PerfectColor & PerfectTint functionality & ISFccc advanced video adjustments. The L75-A91 has Ethernet port for StreamTV Internet Media access providing immediate access to high-quality entertainment & social media content. It has two USB ports for MP3 & JPEG playback as well.


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