Thursday, June 3, 2010

GPSMAP 62 Series Rugged Outdoor Handheld Devices from Garmin

Garmin GPSMAP 62 Series Rugged Outdoor Handheld Devices
Garmin announced its new & latest GPSMAP 62 series rugged outdoor handheld devices with a sleek updated look, newest mapping options for hunters, hikers & geocachers of all ages. The new & latest GPSMAP 62 series features a 2.6-inch sunlight readable color display, up to 20 hours of battery life, a high-sensitivity GPS receiver, quad helix antenna and a built-in worldwide basemap including shaded relief.

The new GPSMAP 62s model comes with a 3-axis tilt-compensated electronic compass & wireless connectivity for sharing routes, tracks, waypoints & geocaches between other compatible Garmin handhelds as well as a a barometric altimeter. The new GPSMAP 62st model adds 100K topographic maps for the entire United States. Both models haev 1.7GB of onboard memory.


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