Monday, August 16, 2010

TweetDeck Beta Version for Android Now Officially Available

While at this time isn’t really a shortage of Twitter clients available in the Android Marketplace, none of them have quite the following that TweetDeck clients have on different devices such as Macs, PCs, iPhones & iPads. This is why there was quite a requirement to get an Android TweetDeck client & the developers have finally released a beta. The app isn’t available in the Android Market yet, but you can take the beta TweetDeck client for Android here.

Following is the official statement from the developer’s blog:

You begged. You pleaded. You offered us all manner of enticements, some of which we think may be illegal in some countries. We took this to mean that you really wanted TweetDeck on your Android device & we agreed!

So without any more ado, we are delighted to announce that a beta version of our Android app is now officially available!

Source RedmondPie

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