Monday, August 16, 2010

How to Jailbreak iOS 4.0.2 Using with Redsn0w

As it appears to have only been tested on an iPhone 3G & an iPod touch 2G (non-MC model) as of yet, it looks like Redsn0w can jailbreak the latest firmware released by Apple today, iOS 4.0.2. If you are interested in doing this, so here is a step by step guide is posted below.
  • Download iOS 4.0.2 through iTunes 9.2.1.
  • Update your iPhone to the latest firmware you downloaded in step 1.
  • Now Start Redsn0w 0.95b5-5 & select iOS 4 (Final Version), not iOS 4.0.2.

  • Select “Install Cydia”, with followed by “Next”
  • Now, Turn your device OFF & connect it to your PC before clicking next, as directed on the screen. (image below)
  • Put your iPhone into recovery mode by following the onscreen directions

  • Redsn0w will now complete the procedure & leave you with a jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch running the latest iOS 4.0.2 firmware release

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