Monday, August 16, 2010

Adobe Photoshop Express Now Available for iOS Devices with iPad

Adobe has just released a new & latest rebranded version of their Adobe Mobile app, bringing with it new functionality & iPad support. The app is now known as Adobe Photoshop Express. While this is far from a full fledged mobile Photoshop application, it does present most basic editing functions & tools such as color adjustments, cropping & rotating.

There are several features of the new & latest app unique to the iPad including the ability edit multiple photos at once in both landscape & portrait. There isn’t support for iPhone 4’s Retina Display as of yet, although it will most like be added in a future release. The good news is you can take the universal Adobe Photoshop Express app for iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad for completely free from the App Store.

Source Gizmodo

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