Monday, August 16, 2010

Android 2.1 Eclair for Dell Streak Updated Leaked

Dell Streak

Those Android fanboys which are waiting for Android based tablet might want to get hold of Dell Streak which is hybrid device that lives in space between smartphone & other larger tablets. Dell Streak boosted by 1 GHz snapdragon processor offers 5 inch mega touch screen. The only problem which might dissatisfy many users is it ships with Android 1.6.

Well if that was the only reason holding you off to not to buy Dell Streak then here is some good news. Android 2.1 firmware for Dell Streak has been leaked in wild. As per reports the firmware looks newer than the one shown in demo video of Dell Streak.

If you already own Dell Streak & then here is step by step guidance to download & manually update Dell Streak to Android 2.1 clair.

How to Manually Update Dell Streak to Android 2.1 eclair

1. First you will Download the Android 2.1 .pkg file & rename it to Update.pkg

2. Transfer Update.pkg to the root directory of your microSD card.

3. Switch off the device.

4. Now while holding the volume up or down buttons, turn the device back on.

5. You should now be in recovery mode. Choose the second option.

6. Wait, then wait some more & you’re done! Let the phone reboot & enjoy Android 2.1 on your new Dell Streak.
Dell Streak Running Android 2.1
(Image Credits:

Source Phandroid

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