Monday, August 16, 2010

Change 50 Different Windows 7 & Vista System Parameters with AeroTweak

In past we have covered a number of Windows 7 tools like Windows 7 Little Tweaker, WinEmPower, SetteMaxer 0.5, Taskbar Thumbnail Tweaker etc. Now we are here with one more unique & exclusive Windows 7 tool AeroTweak.

AeroTweak is freeware utility which allows you to change about 50 different system settings for Windows 7 & Vista that affect user interface, performance & system security. AeroTweak us individual utility & doesn’t require any installation.

AeroTweak can also be used to recover Windows 7 Product key or view general system information. A one click button to create System Restore point before making changes is also provided with AeroTweak.



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