Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yahoo Mail in HTML5 Gets Optimized for iPad & iPhone

Yahoo has recently launched an HTML5 optimized version of their Yahoo Mail browser client for iPad & iPhone that offers local caching to search & access messages offline, inbox image attachment previews & an a new double pane iPad optimized interface. There have also been some enhancements made to search including Full Search, Smart folders & personal folders & new or latest views for file & photo attachments.

You can check out the new & improved Yahoo Mail for iPad at through Safari on your iPad.

“If you’ve used our recently launched HTML5 mobile Web mail for iPhone you’ll feel right at home,” writes by Lee Parry, product manager for Yahoo Mail. “We’ve kept all the things users love about our new mobile Web mail experience, whilst also optimizing for the elegant large screen of the iPad.”

Source TUAW
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