Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sony Launches VAIO W Billabong Netbook

Sony VAIO W Billabong Netbook Hits US

Sony launches in the US market the new & latest VAIO W Billabong edition (model VPCW221AX/Z) that features an eye-catching blend of rich beachside colors, from ocean blue to tropical green hues. Boosted by Intel Atom N470 1.83GHz processor, the Billabong VAIO W gets 1GB of RAM, included Intel GMA 3150 graphics & 250GB hard drive.

This Billabong VAIO netbook comes with a 10.1-inch 1366×768 LED-backlit display, a multi-in-one card reader, Bluetooth, WiFi 802.11b/g & a webcam. It runs Windows 7 Starter Edition & the price starts at $499.99.

Source SONY

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