Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Asus Announced Eee Pad is a Windows 7 Slate PC

Asus Eee Pad EP121 12-inch tablet slate PC
Asus Eee Pad EP121

Asus announced at the Computex 2010 its new & latest Eee Pad series slate slate-style tablet PC. Two models will be released first, with the 12-inch Eee Pad EP121 & the 10-inch Eee Pad EP101TC.

The EP121 is a 12-inch slate PC boosted by Intel’s CULV Core 2 Duo processor & running Windows 7 Home Premium. It serves as a multimedia player, e-book reader, compact PC & internet device. It presents two suitable modes of character input—an embedded virtual keyboard & a special docking station-cum-keyboard & provides over 10 hours of use.
Asus Eee Pad EP101TC 10-inch tablet slate pc
Asus Eee Pad EP101TC

The smaller 10-inch EP101TC is slimmer at 12.2mm & weighs just 675g. No technical details are available yet, but it will run Windows Embedded Compact 7. Price of these tablets will be about $399-$499.

You can view video hands-on from Engadget:

Source ASUS

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