Monday, May 31, 2010

DBP-1611UD and DBP-2011UDCI 3D Blu-ray Players from Denon

Denon DBP-1611UD and DBP-2011UDCI 3D Blu-ray Players
Denon adds to its Blu-ray range the new & latest 3D-ready DBP-1611UD & DBP-2011UDCI, joining the DBP-4010CI & DBP-1610CI players. Both players supports playback of 3D Blu-ray Disc media with standard Blu-ray Disc, DVD, DVD Audio & SACD.

The DBP-1611UD & DBP-2011UDCI supports BD-Live & Bonus View functionality & comes with 1GB internal storage memory for BD-Live content. The latter specifications the newest Anchor Bay Technologies decoding Engine & Scalar & the new & latest Burr-Brown 32-bit, 192kHz Audio DACs on all channels.  These 3D Blu-ray players include HDMI 1.4a output with 3D, CED & 36-bit Deep Color.

Additionally to playback of supported discs, the DBP-1611UD & DBP-2011UDCI can also handle DivX HD+, MP3, WMA media files through recordable CD/DVD or USB external memory. These players are DLNA 1.5-certified & the DBP-2011UDCI offers RS-232 control port also. The Denon DBP-1611UD & DBP-2011UDCI will be released in June for $399 and in August for $799 in that order.

Source DENON

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