Monday, August 16, 2010

Madden 2011 for iPad and iPhone Now Available on App Store

EA has released Madden 2011 for iPhone & iPad, marking the first iPad iteration of the long running console franchise & bringing with it many of the new & latest features originally debuted in the console version of the title.

As this is certainly not the full fledged Madden experience you have come to suppose with the console version, it’s certainly a step up from many other lack luster console ports. EA also seems committed to making it an genuine Madden experience with plans to implement multiplayer into the iPad version soon a “Vintage Voltage Football” mode, a Madden-style recreation of table top electric football games.

Madden 2011 for iPhone & iPad will run you a little more than the average console port from a high profile developer & publisher, coming in at $12.99 for the iPad version & $7.99 for the iPhone version.

Source TUAW & iTunes

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