Monday, August 16, 2010

How can you Improving Your Android’s Battery Life with How to Guide

Larry Page, co-founder of Google, has been quoted as saying “”if you are not getting a day [of Android battery] there is something wrong.” However, it’s not all that surprising that many Android users have been experiencing less than impressive battery life depending on how they use their device.

Appreciatively & thankfully, How-to Geek has put together a complete step-by-step guidance that will allow you to preserve & extend your battery life by optimizing configuration options & taking advantage of a few apps.

Before checking out the guide & implementing the suggestions below, you should check what exactly is eating your battery life on the battery usage screen (image above). You can do this by navigating to Settings –> About Phone –> Battery.

Some of the step-by-step shown in the guide include:

    * Adjusting backlight
    * Disabling Wi-Fi when you’re not using it
    * Disabling Bluetooth
    * Toggle GPS, Wireless, Screen Brightness & Bluetooth using with Power Widget
    * Disable continuously updating/syncing apps
    * Disabling GPS location features
    * View running apps & processes with Task Manager
    * Removing & disabling applications
    * Disabling animated wallpaper & home screen widgets
    * Kill your data connection with APNDroid

To check out the full step-by-step guidance, you can swing by How-to Geek for full instructions for each battery saving suggestion.

How-to Geek Source Gizmodo

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1 comments: on "How can you Improving Your Android’s Battery Life with How to Guide"

Fix Guider said...

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