Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Zoom Outs H1 Small Stereo Recorder Unveiled

Zoom Outs H1 Small Stereo Recorder
Zoom has unveiled its new & latest smallest handheld voice recorder, the H1 Handy Recorder. Weighing at only two ounces, the gadget promises clear 24-bit, 96kHz stereo recording quality despite its size & has a new user interface touted as easy to use. This handy gadget features two microphones set in an X/Y pattern, a USB 2.0 port & a microSDHC card slot (up to 32GB), which can record up to 50-hour of audio. Each purchase comes prepared with a 2GB microSDHC card. This voice recorder requires a single AA battery that provides sufficient juice for up to 10-hour. The Zoom H1 will be available on July 30th, 2010 for $99 a pop.


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