Wednesday, June 2, 2010

VMP74 & VMP75 HD Media Players from ViewSonic

ViewSonic will launch later this year its new & latest VMP74 & VMP75 HD media players. Both of them are based on Sigma’s SMP8650 series media processor system-on-chip (SoC) supporting Full HD video playback, Dolby Digital audio & Full HD output through HDMI 1.3.

The newest VMP74 & VMP75 support a wide range of media formats such as AVI, MOV, MP4, MP3, FLAC, JPG, WAV & Internet radio broadcasts. They have Ethernet port for web-access to social networks such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & online content. These HD players also support video-on-demand (VOD) services – Netflix for US-bound VMP75 & BBCiPlayer for VMP74 for the UK market. You can also find USB port & eSATA connectors for exterior storage & optional WiFi module.


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