Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fujitsu Launches LifeBook LH520 14-inch Laptop

Fujitsu comes back with their new & latest high performance laptop in the form of the LifeBook LH520. Available in matte black or matte red, this 14-inch laptop features a 2.1GHz AMD Athlon II P320 dual-core processor & an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5430 graphics that supports DirectX 11. The LifeBook LH520 also has a SuperFine HD LED-backlit display screen, an AMD RS880M + SB820M chipset, a 2GB DDR3 1066MHz RAM with choice for up to 8GB DDR3 1066MHz, a 320GB or 500GB of storage capacity, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v2.1+EDR, a DVD Writer, a spill-resistant keyboard & a included 1.3MP webcam. What’s more, its 6-cell battery provides up to 3, 5-hour of operation time.


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