Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wireless Home Theater Kit from Netgear

 If your looking to stream movies & audio content in the course of your home via your Blu-ray DVD players, gaming consoles & HD TV’s but don’t like the idea of laying cables throughout your house for a home network.

The Netgear Wireless Home Theater Kit can help you realize this easily by simply plugging one unit into your existing router & the other into the gadget device you would like to network.

Once the devices are connected they are able to easily stream data for movies & music over Wi-fi  by combining 4×4 multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) to deliver high quality Blu-ray HD audio & video streams over Wi-fi to any room in your home.

Regrettably there are no details when the Netgear Wireless Home Theater Kit will be available or at what cost.

[Source Slippery Brick & Netgear]

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