Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Panasonic introducing AVCCAM AG-3DA1 Full HD 3D Professional Camcorder

Panasonic introduces the AVCCAM AG-3DA1, a completely-integrated Full HD 3D professional camcorder that uses SD/SDHC as storage space media. It is prepared with dual lenses & two 1/4.1-inch full 1920 x 1080 2.07-megapixel 3-MOS imagers to record 1080/60i, 50i, 30p, 25p and 24p (native) & 720/60p & 50p in AVCHD. through dual 32GB SDHC memory cards, up to 180 minutes of 3D video can be record in the AVCHD PH mode.

The Panasonic AG-3DA1 has a 3.2-inch LCD display with the choice to switch from Left, Right or overlay image display. The 3D professional camcorder offers dual HD-SDI output, HDMI 1.4, two XLR connector, built-in stereo microphone, twin-lens camera remotes & remote terminal for focus iris, zoom, REC start/stop & convergence point.

The Panasonic AVCCAM AG-3DA1 will be released in Fall 2010 with a price label of US$21,000.

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