Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ouidoo Smartphone has 26 Cores & a Palm Pre look launches by QderoPateo

Chinese company QderoPateo launches at the Shanghai World Expo the Ouidoo smartphone that claims to have a 26-core processor presenting 8-gigaflop processing power. The device has 512MB RAM, 4GB of ROM and 28GB internal storage space.

The Ouidoo most likely gets its design encouragement from Palm’s Pre/Pre Plus. It sports a 3.5-inch 800×480 touchscreen, a 5 Megapixel camera with flash, GPS, Bluetooth & WiFi. There are also built-in 3D map, digital compass, accelerometer & a microSD card slot. The phone runs QderoPateo’s own Ouidoo OS & includes Oxford University’s PTAM (Parallel Tracking & Mapping) greater than before realism software.

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