Tuesday, May 4, 2010

LAN Disk S-series NAS launched by IO-DATA

IO-DATA launches in Japan the LAN Disk S-series NAS servers. Available in 2TB (HDL2-S2.0), 3TB (HDL2-S3.0) & 4TB (HDL2-S4.0) capacities, the LAN Disk S has two drive bays & supports RAID 1. It has a Gigabit Ethernet LAN port, a USB port & a USB HOST port.

The LAN Disk S is DLAN-compliant & contains support for iTunes server. The HDL2-S2.0, HDL2-S3.0 & HDL2-S4.0 are priced at 37,000 Yen, 47,700 Yen and 63,600 Yen respectively.

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