Monday, May 24, 2010

Audio Technica Launched Bijoue Diamond Shaped Portable Speakers

Audio Technica Bijoue Diamond Shaped Portable Speakers

Audio Technica has launched a new & latest line of portable speakers in Japan, designed to be used with your iPhone, iPod or MP3 player, the Audio Technica Bijoue.

The Audio Technica Bijoue speakers come in a line of different colors, and as you can see from the photos specification a diamond style design, each one measures 78mm by 74mm by 37mm & weigh in at 105g.

The Bijoue speakers are powered by two AAA batteries, which will provide you up to 33 hours of continuous use, they will go on sale in Japan in June 2010 for $30 & will be available in sixteen different colors.
Audio Technica Bijoue Diamond Shaped Portable Speakers

There are no more details on when the Audio Technica Bijou speakers will be available in the US & Europe & also no details on pricing.


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