Saturday, May 22, 2010

Android 2.2 For ‘Most’ Of Its Smartphones Announced by HTC

HTC Announces Android 2.2 For 'Most' Of Its Smartphones
HTC, the manufacturer or the mainly popular Google Android smartphones available today has announced that the most of its handsets will be getting upgraded to the latest version of Google’s OS, Android 2.2.

HTC has said that many of its smartphones will be updated to Android 2.2 by the end of 2010, however it looks like the handsets which will get Android 2.2 first are the new ones that have been released this year.

“We are working closely with Google & our other partners to make sure we have the earliest access to everything we need to provide a complete & solid Sense experience on Froyo,” said HTC is a recent statement.

We can wait for to see Android 2.2 on handsets like the HTC EVO 4G, Droid unbelievable, the new & latest HTC Wildfire which is headed to Europe, it is not clear whether older handsets like the HTC Hero will get Android 2.2.


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